
At Empowering Quechuas, we offer a highly adaptable internship program. We seek to tailor your on-the-field responsibilities to match your gifts and skill set. We also can arrange to help you meet college course requirements, community service guidelines, or just build your resume!
If you’re not an athlete, no problem! If you don’t speak Spanish, that’s okay! We are looking for interns who are:
Completely sold out to fulfilling the Great Commission
Spiritually and emotionally mature, and growing in their faith daily
Active in their local church communities, but seeking to understand the Gospel further through international service
Open-minded, flexible, and enthusiastic!
Ways to make disciples with Empowering Quechuas
Teach in Quechua communities with our Evangelistic English program
Coach soccer with Quechua FC
Work as an administrative assistant or translator
Share your skills and teach a job skills workshop
Teach Bible classes to youth
For more information about planning your internship, email us at info@empoweringquechuas.com.
Ready to get started?
Fill out the following forms and submit them to info@empoweringquechuas.com. We will schedule a virtual interview after reviewing your documents.
Short-Term Trips
Here at Empowering Quechuas, we believe when navigated and stewarded carefully, short-term missions trips have the potential to positively impact both the visitors and the local communities in lasting and powerful ways. Through our short-term ministry, we seek to meet physical, spiritual, and personal needs in the communities where we work and build relationships that transcend the confines of a 10-day trip. We love being joined by enthusiastic workers from all over the world in our mission to reach the Quechua people.
We are privileged to receive all sorts of people, with a wide variety of gifts, talents, and interests, and connect them to corresponding ministries here in Peru. While our first priority is to work with groups who can support our soccer ministry, or teaching English projects, we also host nurses who provide medical care, artists who do Bible story murals, hairdressers who give free haircuts, teachers who present devotionals and seminars, workers who equip people with reading glasses or do free dental treatments, volunteers who love children and can entertain small children during soccer practice, and more!
What’s your gift? What are you good at? What sets your soul on fire? We guarantee we can use your unique skill set in Peru.
Consider this your formal invitation: get out of your comfort zone, strengthen your faith, and come join in the work God is doing amongst the Quechua of Peru!
Want more information?

Volunteer from Home
Want to help us out, but can’t travel to Peru?
There are several things we consistently need extra pairs of hands to work on. These include:
Creating content for social media
Translating documents (Spanish<->English)
Writing kid-friendly devotionals
Editing photos/videos to create content for websites/churches
Creating graphics that explain soccer drills
The specific requirements of each of these tasks vary widely. Let us know in which areas you feel most equipped, and we will get you set up to volunteer from wherever you are!